Vorsitzende der Sitzung
AK 2.4: Amplifying the Other(s) – decentralizing the Normal
- Brigitta Höger
"I only realize that I have a different physical expression when I am being looked at from the outside." (Remark, 2019, p. 274)
Knowledge is never neutral, but always entangled in power structures (Foucault, 2019). Although the idea of scientific objectivity and neutrality is still widely prevailing, there is broad consensus in international feminist, post-colonial and disability studies regarding the situatedness of knowledge: The question of who speaks, i.e., who has the opportunity to research, publish and teach, greatly influences the question of what is being researched, published or taught, and how. Depending on a researcher's positionality, certain experiences and perspectives become less or more likely in the process of scientific knowledge production (Mohseni et al., 2018, p. 22; e. i. o.). In sports pedagogical research and especially when it comes to diversity, participation and physicality, the question becomes urgent who is involved in processes of knowledge production in what ways, and who is not. Perspectives of students, particularly of those who are marked as the Others in any way, continue to be tacitly marginalized in sports education research in German-speaking countries (Giese, 2019; Ruin & Meier, 2018).
The symposium follows the conference topic posing the question, whose knowledge is transferred "from practice to practice" (Meinberg, 1996). The contributions shed light on how the knowledge of Others can contribute to addressing diversity and enabling participation in Physical Education from several perspectives and on different levels: students and teachers, theory, curriculum and practice, national and international.
Foucault, M. (2019). Überwachen und Strafen: Die Geburt des Gefängnisses (17. Auflage). Suhrkamp.
Giese, M. (2019). Konstruktionen des (Im-)Perfekten. Skizze einer inklusiven Fachdidaktik im Spiegel der Disability Studies. Schriften der Deutschen Vereinigung für Sportwissenschaft, Bd. 281. Czwalina.
Meinberg, E. (1996). Hauptprobleme der Sportpädagogik: Eine Einführung (3., unveränd. Aufl). Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft.
Mohseni, M., Merl, T., & Mai, H. (2018). Wer Wissen schafft: Zur Positionierung von Wissenschaftlerinnen. In H. Mai, T. Merl, & M. Mohseni (Hrsg.), Pädagogik in Differenz- und Ungleichheitsverhältnissen: Aktuelle erziehungswissenschaftliche Perspektiven zur pädagogischen Praxis (S. 19–36). Springer VS.
Remark, B. C. (2019). Wir sind immer auch die Anderen. Ein Essay über Körperlichkeit und Normativität im Mensch-Sein. In B. Wuttig & B. Wolf (Hrsg.), Körper Beratung (S. 273–280). transcript.
Ruin, S., & Meier, S. (2018). Fragt doch mal uns! Potenziale und Herausforderungen im inklusiven Sportunterricht aus Schülerperspektive. Leipziger sportwissenschaftliche Beiträge, 59(1), 67–87.
Regardless of controversial educational policy debates around Article 24 (2a) of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) on co-education or segregation of students with and without disabilities, there is widespread agreement that inclusion cannot be determined by whether someone is present in certain activities or spaces, but by whether feelings of appreciation,...
In line with the symposium topic, the contribution approaches the fundamental question "Who become the Others in Physical Education (PE)?". Following Foucault (2019), discourses are complex formations of power-knowledge-structures which call the things they speak of into existence. Discourses bring forth social differences, which are intersectionally entangled and inscribed into subjects and...
Due to the expansion of the inclusive education movement around the world, diversity is (again) coming into the spotlight. Based on the notion of equitable education as a fundamental right, inclusion in education policy is triggered by discussions about immigration caused by political conflicts (IOM, 2019), and the demand for adapted education for children with disabilities within a general...
Inclusion is typically conceptualized merely in terms of a disconnected and disembodied individual’s presence within a space or proximity to their peers (Haegele & Maher, 2021). This conceptualization is problematic, as it conflates negative experiences in physical education with positive-oriented ideals about inclusion, suggests students with disabilities should ‘fit in’ to existing...
"I only realize that I have a different physical expression when I am being looked at from the outside." (Remark, 2019, p. 274)
Knowledge is never neutral, but always entangled in power structures (Foucault, 2019). Although the idea of scientific objectivity and neutrality is still widely prevailing, there is broad consensus in international feminist, post-colonial and disability studies...