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18.–21. Sept. 2024
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Importance of teachers for the initiation and implementation of the "Digital Revolving Door"-project in Germany - results of an interview study with teachers

20.09.2024, 15:30
H 2 (Schlossplatz 46)

H 2

Schlossplatz 46

Einzelbeitrag/Individual contribution


Prof. Silvia Greiten (Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg)Dr. Corinna Maulbetsch (Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg)


In spring 2020, the coronavirus pandemic led to school closures and the need to maintain contact with students digitally. Representatives from various state institutes developed the "Digital Revolving Door"(https://digitale-drehtuer.de/) based on the revolving door concepts of Joseph Renzulli and Sally Reis (1981), enrichment concepts (Renzulli et al. 2008; Greiten 2016a,b). During the pandemic, students should receive digital offers in the form of video conferences and digital learning situations and be able to pursue their own interests and questions with other students in Germany.
Since 2022, the Digital Revolving Door has been further developed as a cross-state educa-tional initiative by twelve federal states, and the number of participating schools is growing. The aim of the Digital Revolving Door is to develop individualized potential and promote talent. Pupils of all ages are given the opportunity to pursue their own strengths and inter-ests. As an instrument of teaching and school development, it can contribute to an educa-tional and talent-oriented future.
In an interview study with 10 teachers (primary school and lower and upper secondary schools), the following questions are examined: Which school system conditions are relevant for the initiation and implementation of the Digital Revolving Door at their own school? How do teachers assess the use of offers by students beyond lessons but also in connection with lessons? What effects do teachers attribute to the use of the digital revolving door for the development of students' talents and potential? The guided interviews (Helfferich, 2022) were analyzed using qualitative content analysis (Kuckartz & Rädiker, 2022). The article presents selected results regarding the role of teachers in the initiation and implementation of the digital revolving door.

Greiten, S. (2016). School developments through the "Revolving-Door-Model" in Germany. Journal of Education and Human Development,5(4),1-9.
Renzulli et al. (1981). The Revolving Door Identification Model. Creative Learning Press.

Schulstufe - Zielgruppe / Educational Stage - Target group

primary school, secondary school, teachers


digital teaching and learning environments, developing potential, educational processes, promoting talent, digital revolving door


Prof. Dr. Silvia Greiten, Professor of Educational Science with a focus on school pedagogy and pedagogy at secondary level I at the Heidelberg University of Education. Main areas of work and research: School and teaching development in the context of heterogeneity, inclu-sion, giftedness and professionalization of teachers, scientific support for the Digital Revolving Door project
Dr. Corinna Maulbetsch, Senior Academic Advisor at the Institute of Educational Science at the Heidelberg University of Education. Main areas of work and research: Pedagogical pro-fessionalism and professionalization, heterogeneity, individual support, inclusive gifted education, school development and school development research


Prof. Silvia Greiten (Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg)


Dr. Corinna Maulbetsch (Pädagogische Hochschule Heidelberg)
