The 2024 CTEQ Summer School on QCD and Electroweak Phenomenology will be hosted by the University of Münster, Germany and will be held in Hotel Idingshof, Bramsche on the 21st-31st of August, 2024.
Through a series of lectures and hands-on tutorials, the CTEQ summer school provides an introduction to perturbative quantum chromodynamics, along with applications of QCD to collider physics and recent experimental particle physics results. The level of the material presented at the school is ideally suited for advanced graduate students and young postdocs. The school will be held in person.
The review of applications began on 1 March 2024, and the roster is now full.
Introductory lectures:
- Introduction to QCD (D. Soper, U Oregon)
- Introduction to Monte Carlo generators (R. Frederix, U Lund)
- Introduction to Machine Learning (J. Glombitza, U Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Tutorial on Monte-Carlo generators (T. Jezo, U Münster)
- Tutorial on Machine Learning (J. Glombitza, U Erlangen-Nürnberg)
- Tutorial on xFitter (S. Glazov, DESY and F. Olness SMU)
In-depth lectures on phenomenology:
- Deep inelastic scattering (A. Cooper-Sarkar, U Oxford)
- Parton distribution functions (E. Nocera, U Torino)
- Nuclear PDFs (I. Schienbein, LPSC Grenoble)
- QCD and top physics at the LHC (R. Schöfbeck, Austrian Academy of Sciences)
- Jets (S. Marzani, U Genova)
- Top quarks (L. Reina, Florida State U)
- Electroweak physics at the LHC (J. Haller, U Hamburg)
- Higgs and vector bosons (D. Zeppenfeld, KIT Karlsruhe)
- Resummation (A. Kulesza, U Münster)
- Quark gluon plasma (A. Andronic, U Münster)