Suppression of leading particles and flavor correlation modifications in heavy ion collisions

28.03.2023, 18:15
2h 15m
Stadthalle (Aschaffenburg)



Schloßpl. 1 63739 Aschaffenburg
Gremium: JETS-3
Poster Jets and their modification in QCD matter Poster Session


Roli Esha (Stony Brook University)


We study the suppression of leading two hadrons within jets and the modifications of their flavor correlations in heavy ion collisions. The di-hadron system is robust against the underlying event background therefore allows its precision measurements. Their suppression is sensitive to any partonic energy loss mechanism and can be used to cleanly test the onset of jet quenching in the evolution history. Also, their flavor correlation probes hadronization in the last stage of jet evolution. We will discuss di-hadron observables in the context of the upcoming RHIC measurements and present studies based on a variety of Monte Carlo simulations, which will lead to realistic measurement in the near future.


Georgia State University
Yale University
Rutgers University
Stony Brook University

Experiment/Theory Theory/Phenomenology

Primary authors

Yang-Ting Chien (Georgia State University) Isaac Mooney (Yale University) Roli Esha (Stony Brook University) Diptanil Roy (Rutgers University) Weibin Zhang (Stony Brook University) Mriganka Mouli Mondal
