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Dijet azimuthal correlations in p-p and p-Pb collisions at forward LHC calorimeters

29.03.2023, 14:40
Ludwig 1a (Stadthalle)

Ludwig 1a


Talk Early time dynamics and nuclear PDFs Parallel: Early-Time Dynamics & nPDFs


Krzysztof Kutak (IFJ PAN)


I am going to present a state-of-the-art computation for the production of forward dijets in proton-proton and proton-lead collisions at the LHC, in rapidity domains covered by the ATLAS calorimeter and the planned FoCal extension of the ALICE detector. We use the small-x improved TMD (ITMD) formalism, together with collinearly improved TMD gluon distributions and full b-space Sudakov resummation, and discuss nonperturbative corrections due to hadronization and showers using the Pythia event generator. We observe that forward dijets in proton-nucleus collisions at moderately low pT are excellent probes of saturation effects, as the Sudakov resummation does not alter the suppression of the cross section.



Experiment/Theory Theory/Phenomenology

Primary author
