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Strangeness production in jets and underlying event in p-Pb and pp collisions measured with ALICE

28.03.2023, 17:30
Ludwig 1b (Stadthalle)

Ludwig 1b


Talk High momentum hadrons and correlations Parallel: High-Momentum Hadrons & Correlations


Ryan Hannigan (CERN)


Two-particle jet-like angular correlations with identified strange hadrons allow the measurements of both jet and non-jet components of strange particle production, and in this way to investigate the extent to which the strangeness enhancement observed in small collision systems is a result of soft (medium-like) or hard (jet-like) processes. Relative contributions of these processes to strangeness production mechanisms can be probed by examining changes in the strange hadron over non-strange hadron ratios within jets and in the underlying event separately. In addition, changes to the jet hadrochemistry are studied by measuring strangeness production in the away-side jet.

In this talk, we present the first measurements of the $\phi$/h, $(\Lambda+\overline{\Lambda})$/h and $\mathrm{K_{S}^0}$/($\pi^++\pi^-$), $(\Lambda+\overline{\Lambda})$/($\pi^++\pi^-$) ratios in jets and underlying event as a function of charged-particle multiplicity using jet-like di-hadron angular correlations in p-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\mathrm{NN}}}$= 5.02 TeV and pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$= 13 TeV measured with ALICE. The results suggest that the strangeness enhancement originates in the underlying event.



Experiment/Theory ALICE

Primary author
