Effects of multi-scale jet-medium interactions on jet substructures

29.03.2023, 15:40
Ludwig 1b (Stadthalle)

Ludwig 1b


Talk Jets and their modification in QCD matter Parallel: Jets and their modification in QCD Matter


Yasuki Tachibana (Akita International University)


We investigate how the scale-dependent jet-medium interactions affect the jet substructure observables in heavy-ion collisions via event-by-event Monte Carlo simulation using the JETSCAPE framework. Jets are dynamic probes with varying virtualities and energies of partonic constituents in their shower evolution. The various internal medium structures involved in interactions at different scales of the jet parton’s virtuality and energy are encoded in the modification of reconstructed jets. Recently, we found that the reduction of jet-medium interaction at the early high-virtuality stage, where the medium is resolved at a very short distance scale and appears more dilute [1], is the key to explaining the different trends in reconstructed jet RAA and single particle RAA in a unified manner [2].
In this study, we focus on jet substructure observables to explore further details of the scale dependence by performing numerical simulations with explicit virtuality dependence in the jet-medium interaction rate within the MATTER+LBT setup of the JETSCAPE framework. We compare results for the Soft Drop groomed observables and jet fragmentation function to data and demonstrate the significant effect of the reduction of jet-medium interaction at the early high-virtuality stage.
[1] Amit Kumar, Abhijit Majumder, and Chun Shen, Phys. Rev. C, 101(3):034908, 2020.
[2] JETSCAPE, arXiv:2204.01163 [hep-ph].


JETSCAPE Collaboration

Experiment/Theory Theory/Phenomenology

Primary author

Yasuki Tachibana (Akita International University)
