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Unlocking new opportunities: How AI can improve your grant writing habits

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Charlotte Seckfort (SAFIR), Sonja-Anna Lesniak (Dez. 6 Abt. 6.1 Antragsberatung/Projektbetreuung (SAFIR))

Our network consisting of University of Bielefeld, University of Osnabrück, University of Paderborn and University of Münster is very happy to introduce Prof. Daniel Mertens (from Schiller & Mertens: Scientists Need More!) as a speaker for this event.

The webinar will cover how AI assistants for texting, information retrieval and for literature review can help with writing a successful grant application. Furthermore, Prof. Daniel Mertens will introduce how the power of AI can be used for brainstorming for research ideas, experimental setups and for collaborations. 

Following the presentation, SAFIR Research Funding Support (University of Münster) will provide guidance on how to ensure compliance with DFG guidelines when using AI programs for proposal development.

Unlocking new opportunities: How AI can improve your grant writing habits
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