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A workshop for PhD and advanced MA students, hosted by the Chair of American Studies and the GSPoL

Corinna Assmann and Vera Nünning are the editors and curators of the brand-new Palgrave Handbook of Feminist, Queer and Trans Narrative Studies. The workshop they will facilitate is centered on this publication, and selected chapters will be made available for discussion. Since handbook chapters typically present a broad overview of specific developments in a particular field, the workshop is designed to garner participants' feedback on how the chapters might connect to their own academic work, including how their own research might encompass somewhat different perspectives from the ones presented in the chapters. This workshop is also a unique opportunity to learn more about the editing and curating process of such a large publication project.

Corinna Assmann is postdoctoral researcher and research associate at the English Department at Heidelberg University, where she earned her PhD in English Literature in 2017. She is the author of the monograph Doing Family in Second-Generation British Migration Literature (2018) and co-editor of the volume Promoting Positive Change: The Transformative Power of Literature (2022). She has published book chapters and articles on intersectionality, cultural memory, Black and Asian British literature and film, as well as on women’s football. Her teaching focuses on gender and queer theory, postcolonial theory, nineteenth–twenty-first-century British literature, and cultural theory.

Vera Nünning is professor of English Philology at Heidelberg University, where she also served as vice-rector for international affairs. She has published books on eighteenth-, nineteenth- and twentieth-century British literature, and (co-)edited 28 volumes, mainly on contemporary literature and narrative theory, but at least one (and several essays) on gender studies. Her articles also deal with narrative theory, gender studies, cultural studies and British fiction from the eighteenth to the twenty-first century. Her book Reading Fictions, Changing Minds joins insights from psychology and neurosciences with those of narratology. Vera Nünning was a fellow in two Institutes of Advanced Studies and is associate editor of three book series.

Englisches Seminar
  • Corinna Assmann
  • Silvia Schultermandl
  • Vera Nünning
Die Anmeldephase für diese Veranstaltung läuft derzeit.