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30. Juni 2025
Center for Soft Nanoscience
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Intelligence is the ability to perceive information and to retain it as knowledge to be applied towards adaptive behaviour within a changing environment. This collborative research centre (CRC) is inspired by the question whether synthetic matter can provide artificial building blocks to enable intelligent abilities. Such intelligent matter would provide entirely new opportunities for instance for the development of artificial skin that self-regulates temperature and absorbance; soft robotics with adaptive tactility; and brain-inspired computing with reduced energy consumption. Intelligent matter likely requires an integrated system of materials and nanoscale components. Hence, the central scientific question of this CRC is: How does intelligent behaviour emerge in a system of nanoscale building blocks that operate collectively?
This scientific symposium will showcase the work of international experts in the field and a poster session highlighting progress in the various research projects of the CRC. Furthermore, we will award a prize for an outstanding recent publication by an early career researcher. 

Center for Soft Nanoscience
Center for Soft Nanoscience Busso-Peus- Strasse 10 48149 Münster