Liebe/r Veranstalter/in, bitte denken Sie aus Gründen des Datenschutzes daran, dass die von Ihnen für die jeweilige Veranstaltung nicht mehr benötigten Teilnehmerlisten, sonstige Dokumente etc. gelöscht werden müssen. Vielen Dank.

In oral communication, which is the most frequent modality in the EFL classroom, listening comprehension is, undoubtedly, essential to establish a learning-oriented classroom discourse and to assure the successful acquisition of the language to be learned. Additionally, listening comprehension is imperative for obtaining information from any audible text. This is of paramount importance, especially in an increasingly digital world that is overflowing with texts to be heard. The importance of interactive and transactional listening comprehension in the foreign language classroom, however, is not equally represented in research in foreign language education. To foster research in this specific field, the international Listening Comprehension (LiCo) Conference invites researchers to present and discuss current research and findings. We welcome presentations which focus on how listening is learned, how it can be taught, as well as how it can be assessed and tested. The LiCo Conference aims at establishing contact between likeminded researchers to network and explore opportunities for future cooperation.

Johannisstr. 12-20
Die Anmeldephase für diese Veranstaltung läuft derzeit.