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English Department / Book Studies - Adminstrator Birgit Hötker-Bolte

Gender Imbalance in the Book Industry is a DAAD-funded collaborative project led by Dr. Melinda Harvey (Monash University, Australia) and Prof. Dr. Corinna Norrick-Rühl (University of Münster). Bringing together scholars with expertise in book history, publishing studies, and literary studies, the project seeks to tackle the problem of gender imbalance in the Australian and German book industries, with a particular focus on the practices of curation and consecration, described as ‘disembodied gatekeeping’ and ‘embodied participation’, and the relationship of these two modes of attention to gender.

After working remotely for much of the project’s duration due to pandemic restrictions, the team will finally come together on 24 November 2022 for a hybrid exchange event. We are glad to welcome team members from Monash University to Münster for a workshop entitled “Gender Imbalance in the Book Industry: Transnational Perspectives & Knowledge Exchange”. Five speakers will present their research on the topic, with a focus on the German, Australian and Scottish book industries.

The event is free of charge and will take place in-person at the English Department of the University of Münster, and will also be accessible via Zoom. To register, please click here.

English Department
Johannisstraße 12-20 48143 Münster
Die Anmeldephase für diese Veranstaltung läuft derzeit.