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4. August 2022
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Wissenschaftliches Programm

Get insights in our Battery Safety Laboratory, BaSiL, and discover the latest research results in the fields of battery safety and recycling.

04:00 pm
Arrival of the Participants at the Campus Café

04:15 pm
Welcome Speech, Martin Winter

04:30 – 05:00 pm
Group I: BaSiL Lab Tour and Poster Exhibition on Battery Safety and Recycling

05:00 – 05:30 pm
Group II: BaSiL Lab Tour and Poster Exhibition on Battery Safety and Recycling

05:30 – 06:00 pm
Group III: BaSiL Lab Tour and Poster Exhibition on Battery Safety and Recycling

06:00 – 06:30 pm
Group IV: BaSiL Lab Tour and Poster Exhibition on Battery Safety and Recycling

06:30 – 07:00 pm
Group V: BaSiL Lab Tour and Poster Exhibition on Battery Safety and Recycling

07:00 – 07:30 pm
Group VI: BaSiL Lab Tour and Poster Exhibition on Battery Safety and Recycling

22:00 pm