Liebe/r Veranstalter/in, bitte denken Sie aus Gründen des Datenschutzes daran, dass die von Ihnen für die jeweilige Veranstaltung nicht mehr benötigten Teilnehmerlisten, sonstige Dokumente etc. gelöscht werden müssen. Vielen Dank.

6.–7. Okt. 2021
Alexander-von-Humboldt Haus, Münster, Germany
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone


Registration for the MPLR

1,00 €
Personal Data
Payment Options
Instructions for Bank Transfers and Credit Card Payments
Instructions for bank transfers

If possible please pay by bank transfer to: University of Münster, IBAN: DE22 3005 0000 0000 0660 27, BIC: WELADEDD. It is ESSENTIAL that you include as purpose of payment: "MPLR 2021, PSP-Element: 330 0095 000, Kostenstelle: 90403002". Without this information, our university will not be able to propagate your payment to MPLR. If you choose this option, please select "None" above and send us a screenshot of your payment as email attachment. The amount is the same as for credit card payments.

Remarks for credit card payments

If you prefer to pay by credit card, you can do so. However, the corresponding web page is unfortunately in German. Please use e.g. Google translate in case that you do not speak German. We apologize for any inconvenience. Our conference management system is still under construction.