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Center for Soft Nanoscience (SoN)

Working in a multicultural team

durch Frau Mariya Lorke

online (Center for Soft Nanoscience)


Center for Soft Nanoscience


Working in a multicultural team has become a normal part of work at the University. Because of cultural differences in expectations concerning, for example, gender roles, status, and communication, it is easy to have misunderstandings that make working together difficult.

For this reason it is important to train how to negotiate and effectively solve existing misunderstandings through a change of perspective. For a team currently in a difficult situation, this is one of the only ways to learn to work together harmoniously.

This workshop helps you understand the key areas in which a multicultural team typically has misunderstandings. Our focus is on helping you practice changing perspectives as a basis for improving communication in a multicultural team.

Organisiert durch

Melissa Pernice