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Book Studio Zine Workshop

AE 11 (Aegidiistraße)

AE 11



"A zine, short for fanzine or magazine, is a DIY subculture self-publication, usually made on paper and reproduced with a photocopier or printer." - Barnard Zine Library

This Book Studio zine workshop aims to give students a place to make their own unique, DIY zines* as a hands-on way to consider bookmaking, amateur publishing, and print activism.

Student are encouraged (but not required) to attend all sessions. Each weekly session will have a theme that workshop participants can choose to engage with in their zine making:

November 7 - Fanzines (What are you CRAZY about? Make a zine about it.)
November 14 - Music zines (What music, songs, and genres do you love...or hate? Let it out in a zine.)
November 21 - Poetry zines (Also called chapbooks. Bring a poem or write one of your own.)
November 28 - Cookzines (Zines about food? Zines that look like food? Edible zines? It's up to you.)

Materials (paper, scissors, markers, glue, staples, etc.) will be provided, and participants are also free to bring materials to use and/or share. At the end of each session, participants will be invited to present their zine(s) to the group. 

*For inspiration, see the English Department's Mini Zine Library
