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SAIL Programme: Applying for International Collaborative Projects – Opportunities and Tips

the room will be communicated after registration (on-site)

the room will be communicated after registration


Claudia Ehlert (SAFIR), Sonja-Anna Lesniak (Dez. 6 Abt. 6.1 Antragsberatung/Projektbetreuung (SAFIR))

Impulse: ERASMUS+ programme & Ulysseus European University Network
Speaker: Sandra Wiegand & Dennis Binder, International Office & Dr. Tobias Gumbert, Center of Interdisciplinary Sustainability Research

The Erasmus+ programme offers early career researchers interesting opportunities to work internationally. The International Offices provides an overview of suitable funding formats. 
With inclusive governance and a strong shared vision, Ulysseus designs activities and programmes in research, education and innovation that involve the public from the outset. The development goals include the internationalisation of university structures, the strengthening of European values and regional development, and the promotion of seamless mobility.

Workshop: Insights into the planning and implementation of cooperation projects as well as basic knowledge for a successful application
Speaker: Dr. Christine Schmidt, SAFIR Research Funding Support

You will receive specific tips and strategies for acquiring international collaborative projects. In addition to the different types of cooperation projects, the workshop also provides basic application knowledge.

Exchange with Testimonial
Host: Claudia Ehlert, SAFIR Research Funding Support


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