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SAIL Programme: First steps – Opportunities to Work Internationally in Research

the room will be communicated after registration (on-site)

the room will be communicated after registration


Claudia Ehlert (SAFIR), Sonja-Anna Lesniak (Dez. 6 Abt. 6.1 Antragsberatung/Projektbetreuung (SAFIR))

Workshop: Orientation and profile‑strengthening in the postdoc phase
Speaker: Rebecca Meier, Münster Centre for Emerging Researchers (CERes)

In this workshop, you will take the first steps towards sustainable planning for your professional future: you will review various career paths, analyse your academic portfolio, and identify areas for development during your postdoc phase.

Impulse: Project “Internationalisation” – Where on earth do I start?
Speaker: Sonja Zeggel, International Office and Claudia Ehlert, SAFIR Research Funding Support

Internationalisation can take on various forms. SAFIR and the International Office – Dept. Researchers & Staff will show you a few first, simple options for developing your international profile and paving the way for future plans. Learn about a valuable range of education, advice and grants available at the University of Münster as well as a selection of external funding agencies. Your journey can begin today!

Workshop: Strategic Networking? Authentic communication!
Speaker: Dr. Anneka Esch-van Kan, Münster Centre for Emerging Researchers (CERes)

Strong professional and personal networks at home and abroad can be crucial to success in academia and other sectors. In this workshop, you will reflect on your personal environment and develop ideas on how you can strategically and sustainably build international networks that will advance your career.

Exchange with Testimonial
Host: Claudia Ehlert, SAFIR Research Funding Support


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