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1.–4. Juli 2024
University of Münster
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Understanding Microscopic Contact Angle on Super-Smooth Monolayer Silanized Surface Using Atomic Force Microscopy

Nicht eingeplant
University of Münster

University of Münster



Prof. Günter K. Auernhammer (IPF Dresden)


The phenomenon of wetting holds considerable significance, particularly when examined at the microscale, where it underpins a plethora of technological and fundamental advancements. In this study, we employ Atomic Force Microscopy to delve into the size-dependency of microdroplets, focusing on a scale where surface forces and gravity effects are minimal. To achieve this, we employ a post-silanization technique called peel-off to fabricate smooth surfaces with reduced pinning sites. The roughness values show a dramatic decrease after peel-off down to approximately 1.5 Angstrom. Subsequently, we subject droplets of various non-volatile glycols to impingement from a heated liquid pool. Our findings reveal a non-linear relationship between the contact angle profile and droplet size, which stabilizes at a steady-state value beyond a critical size. This critical size coincides with a significant lengthscale in coalescence theory, where the interplay of capillary, pinning, and viscous energies reaches equilibrium, resulting in a nullification of net available energy. To support this observation, we develop a theoretical model based on energy balance within a merging droplet system, yielding a physically meaningful equation for predicting the size dependency of microscale wetting. Theoretical predictions align well with experimental data and offer insights applicable to diverse liquid-surface combinations.


Prof. Günter K. Auernhammer (IPF Dresden)


Mohammadali Hormozi (TU Darmstadt) Dr. Olaf Soltwedel (TU Darmstadt) Herr Peyman Rostami (IPF Dresden) Prof. Regine v. Klitzing (IPF Dresden)
