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1.–4. Juli 2024
University of Münster
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Modeling the growth of biofilms on soft substrates

Nicht eingeplant
University of Münster

University of Münster



Anthony Lennard Pietz


We investigate the influence of substrate softness on biofilm growth amending the thin-film
model developed by Trinschek et al for rigid solid substrates [1] by the inclusion of a simple
description of an elastic substrate [2]. Wettability (described in the mesoscopic model by
a wetting energy) is a key factor in the transition between arrested and continuous spread-
ing on rigid substrates [1]. Our focus are changes in the spreading process with changing
character of the substrate studied by time simulations of 2d drops/biofilms at fixed surface
tension and initial drop volume. We find that with increasing softness from rigid via elastic
to liquid-like substrate the spreading velocity of the biofilm decreases at fixed biofilm growth
rate and wettability. Further, we discus how these changes depend on wettability and growth
rate. In particular, we show that the transition between arrested and continuous spreading
is for increasing softness shifted towards larger wettability and larger growth rate.
[1] S. Trinschek, K. John, S. Lecuyer, and U. Thiele, Phys. Rev. Lett 119, 078003 (2017).
[2] C.Henkel, J.H. Snoeijer, and U.Thiele, Soft Matter 17, 10359 (2021).



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