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1.–4. Juli 2024
University of Münster
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Strong stretching theory of polydisperse curved polymer brushes

Nicht eingeplant
University of Münster

University of Münster



Marios Giannakou (University of Mainz)


We investigate the effect of polydispersity on the properties of curved linear
brushes in good solvent and for molten brushes. To this end, we extend the strong stretching
theory for polydisperse brushes to curved geometries and investigate the polymer chain end profiles,
bending moduli and other properties for experimentally relevant polymer chain length distributions
of the Schulz-Zimm type. We also investigate the properties of End Exclusion Zones (EEZ) that may
appear in convex geometries under certain conditions, and show that their position in the brush can
be engineered by careful selection of the polymer length distribution. Lastly, we propose a method
to engineer chain end profiles by engineering the polymer length distribution.


Marios Giannakou (University of Mainz)


Prof. Oleg Borisov (Institut des Sciences Analytiques et de Physico-Chimie pour l’Environnement et les Materiaux) Prof. Friederike Schmid (University of Mainz)


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