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Bystander Intervention Workshop

SRZ 115

SRZ 115


Inappropriate jokes, compliments with a discriminatory overtone, stereotypes, … Exclusion and problematic behaviors are not always obvious. It does not mean they’re not harmful. And if you have identified inappropriate behaviors in the past, you might have been unsure how to act.

This workshop will help you better identify these moments when you can intervene as an active bystander and make a difference.It will provide you with tools to help you contribute to making Mathematics Münster a more inclusive space.

Topics we will cover include:
• Unconscious bias and power abuse
• Microaggressions and inappropriate behavior : how to recognize them and take action
• Bystander Effect: what it is and how understanding it can help us be a better ally
• Bystander Intervention: how to become an active bystander by using the five Ds

You do not need previous knowledge to attend this workshop - only your willingness to learn!

Trainers: Anoushka Dufeil & Lauraline Michel

Die Agenda dieses Meetings ist leer