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MNF Day 2023

Center for Soft Nanoscience

Center for Soft Nanoscience

Busso-Peus-Str.10 48149 Münster Germany CeNTech Heisenbergstr. 11 48149 Münster Germany
Maik Stappers

Register for MNF Day

Join us for an even bigger event this time around, with:

  • a keynote presentation from Prof. Harald Fuchs
  • multidisciplinary talks from experts in nanoanalytics and fabrication
  • multiple hands-on, interactive workshops in SoN and CeNTech
  • tours of IONTOF GmbH and our cleanrooms
  • prizes for the best posters
  • a ZEISS sponsored SEM Imaging contest, with an exciting grand prize!

Register for MNF Day soon, as space is limited!

    • 09:30 10:00
      Arrival & Sign in 30m
    • 10:00 10:15
      Morning Talks: Welcome and introduction large seminar room (SoN)

      large seminar room


      Sitzungsleiter: Dr. Maik Stappers
      • 10:00
        Welcome & Introduction 15m
        Sprecher: Dr. Maik Stappers (MNF)
    • 10:15 10:45
      Morning Talks: Keynote: History of Nanotechnology in Münster large seminar room (SoN)

      large seminar room


      Sitzungsleiter: Prof. Harald Fuchs
      • 10:15
        Keynote: History of Nanotechnology in Münster 30m
        Sprecher: Prof. Harald Fuchs (CeNTech- WWU)
    • 10:45 11:15
      Morning Talks: Bridging biological scales, from atoms to cells large seminar room (SoN)

      large seminar room


      Sitzungsleiter: Prof. Christos Gatsogiannis
      • 10:45
        Bridging biological scales, from atoms to cells 30m
        Sprecher: Prof. Christos Gatsogiannis (SoN- WWU)
    • 11:15 11:45
      Morning Talks: Phase change materials for future computing hardware large seminar room (SoN)

      large seminar room


      Sitzungsleiter: Prof. Martin Salinga
      • 11:15
        Phase change materials for future computing hardware 30m
        Sprecher: Prof. Martin Salinga (Institut für Materialphysik- WWU)
    • 11:45 12:45
      Lunch 1 h foyer (SoN)



    • 12:45 14:15
      Afternoon Workshops: ---see "Contribution List" in main menu for full details SoN & CeNTech

      SoN & CeNTech

      • 12:45
        Bruker AFM hands-on experience 1 h 30m AFM lab (SoN)

        AFM lab


        Sprecher: Dr. Hartmut Stadler (Bruker)
      • 12:45
        Cleanroom tour 30m
      • 12:45
        Cryo-EM Tour 30m Microscopy (SoN)



        Sprecher: Dr. Anja Blanque
      • 12:45
        IONTOF GmbH Tour and demonstration 1 h 30m IONTOF


        Heisenbergstraße 15

        Visit our neighbor, IONTOF for a tour and demonstration
        Heisenbergstraße 15 (between SoN and CeNTech)

        Sprecher: Dr. Matthais Kleine-Boymann (IONTOF), Herr Sven Kayser (IONTOF)
      • 12:45
        Laser scanning microscope hands-on experience 30m lab (CeNTech)



        Sprecher: Dr. Stefan Ostendorp
      • 12:45
        Nanostructuring and nanopatterning with Zeiss (SEM/FIB hands-on experience) 1 h 30m Cleanroom (SoN)



        Sprecher: Dr. Andreas Schertel (ZEISS)
      • 12:45
        Q&A with Oxford Instruments 1 h 30m meeting room (SoN)

        meeting room


        Sprecher: Dr. Reasat Fahim (Oxford Instruments)
      • 12:45
        Q&A with Raith Velion 1 h 30m meeting room (SoN)

        meeting room


        Sprecher: Herr Torsten Richter (RAITH)
      • 12:45
        Telling people about your research- tips and techniques for pitching your expertise 1 h 30m large seminar room (SoN)

        large seminar room


        Sprecher: Dr. Anne Vortkamp
      • 12:45
        TEM hands-on experience 30m lab (CeNTech)



        Sprecher: Dr. Harald Rösner
      • 12:45
        ToF-SIMS imaging demonstration 30m SoN


        Bring your sample:
        1x1cm (or slightly larger)
        3mm thick
        vacuum compatible

        Contact Bonnie with questions

        Sprecher: Dr. Bonnie June Tyler
      • 13:45
        Cleanroom tour 30m
      • 13:45
        Cryo-EM Tour 30m Microscopy (SoN)



        Sprecher: Dr. Anja Blanque
      • 13:45
        Laser scanning microscope hands-on experience 30m lab (CeNTech)



        Sprecher: Dr. Stefan Ostendorp
      • 13:45
        TEM hands-on experience 30m lab (CeNTech)



        Sprecher: Dr. Harald Rösner
      • 13:45
        ToF-SIMS imaging demonstration 30m SoN


        Bring your sample:
        1x1cm (or slightly larger)
        3mm thick
        vacuum compatible

        Contact Bonnie with questions

        Sprecher: Dr. Bonnie June Tyler
    • 14:15 15:45
      Poster Session in CeNTech: with coffee & cake foyer and seminar room (CeNTech)

      foyer and seminar room


      Heisenbergstr. 11 48149 Münster Germany
    • 15:45 16:15
      Afternoon Talks: Applications of ZEN Connect in Nanofabrication Materials Research (ZEISS) large seminar room (SoN)

      large seminar room


      Sitzungsleiter: Dr. Olena Vertsanova (ZEISS)
      • 15:45
        Applications of ZEN Connect in Nanofabrication Materials Research (ZEISS) 30m
        Sprecher: Dr. Olena Vertsanova
    • 16:15 16:45
      Afternoon Talks: CI-based etching of III-V materials for photonics applications (Oxford) large seminar room (SoN)

      large seminar room


      Sitzungsleiter: Dr. Reasat Fahim (Oxford Instruments)
      • 16:15
        CI-based etching of III-V materials for photonics applications (Oxford) 30m
        Sprecher: Dr. Reast Fahim (Oxford Instruments)
    • 16:45 17:15
      Award ceremony and closing remarks large seminar room (SoN)

      large seminar room


      Vorsitzende der Sitzung: Dr. Maik Stappers, Riya Gupta
    • 17:15 18:15
      Networking with beer and pretzels 1 h

      Sponsored by Pixel Photonics