MNF Day 2023

Center for Soft Nanoscience

Center for Soft Nanoscience

Busso-Peus-Str.10 48149 Münster Germany CeNTech Heisenbergstr. 11 48149 Münster Germany
Maik Stappers

Register for MNF Day

Join us for an even bigger event this time around, with:

  • a keynote presentation from Prof. Harald Fuchs
  • multidisciplinary talks from experts in nanoanalytics and fabrication
  • multiple hands-on, interactive workshops in SoN and CeNTech
  • tours of IONTOF GmbH and our cleanrooms
  • prizes for the best posters
  • a ZEISS sponsored SEM Imaging contest, with an exciting grand prize!

Register for MNF Day soon, as space is limited!