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August 24, 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone
Free of Charge - Limited Number of Participants

The symposium "Sustainable Future: Dream Reactions with (and without) Hydrogen" takes place on 24th August 2023 in Münster and is sponsered by the European Research Council.

Chemistry is central to solving humanity's most pressing problems (e.g., limited resources, global warming, energy, good health, quality of life, biodiversity, food for all). The ability to selectively and efficiently produce/synthesize simple and more complex molecules (and chemical systems) is a key task of chemistry. This symposium aims to bring together scientists from different fields working on efficient synthesis (including (non) target-oriented synthesis, use of renewable feedstocks and recycling), resulting in scientific exchange and new solutions. This time, hydrogen in its broadest sense will be a focus, but other synthesis methods are also highly welcome. Together for a better, sustainable future!

More details can be found on the conference flyer/poster.

Aula des Schlosses
Schlossplatz 2, 48149 Münster
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