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The American Academic Job Market

203 (English Department)


English Department

Gulsin Ciftci, Anna Thiemann

This workshop will cover the life cycle of the American academic job market with a focus on early career positions in the humanities (assistant professorships), designed to help Ph.D. students who are finishing or have recently completed their dissertations and will be applying for academic positions in fall 2023 or fall 2024.

The workshop will focus on concrete strategies for best representing one’s scholarship, teaching experience, and readiness for a professorial position. Topics will include: how to find, read, and interpret job advertisements; how to frame interdisciplinary scholarship for disciplinary positions; typical application requirements of a cover letter, curriculum vitae, writing sample, teaching philosophy, and research statement; letters of recommendation and dossier services; and the specific (and different) discursive forms of the group interview and on-campus job talk. 

Please Note: Workshop participants should bring a current curriculum vitae and a one-paragraph (no more than 250 words) description/summary of their dissertation.

Workshop will be led by Prof. Eugenie Brinkema (MIT).

Eugenie Brinkema is Professor of Contemporary Literature and Media at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and currently a fellow at the University of Amsterdam. Her research in film and media studies focuses on violence, affect, sexuality, aesthetics, and ethics. In addition to numerous articles, she has published two books: The Forms of the Affects (2014) and Life-Destroying Diagrams (2022), both with Duke University Press.


Gulsin Ciftci
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