Liebe/r Veranstalter/in, bitte denken Sie aus Gründen des Datenschutzes daran, dass die von Ihnen für die jeweilige Veranstaltung nicht mehr benötigten Teilnehmerlisten, sonstige Dokumente etc. gelöscht werden müssen. Vielen Dank.

Since Elliotts classification of approximately finite C*-algebras it is well known that there are strong ties between classification theory and approximation theory for C*-algebras. The full depth of this relation became clear only after the groundbreaking work of Eberhard Kirchberg on tensor products and approximation properties of C*-algebras with astounding applications to (on first sight unrelated) important problems: the Connes embedding problem and the classification of (purely infinite) C*-algebras. The meeting will focus on breathtaking recent advances in these topics due to several young rising stars.

SRZ 216/217
Orleans-Ring 12
Die Anmeldephase für diese Veranstaltung läuft derzeit.