28.–30. Juli 2023
Institute for Evolution and Biodiversity
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone


5th international Nasonia meeting

Zugriff auf den Rest der Veranstaltung ist registrierten Teilnehmern vorbehalten.

Dear Nasonia enthusiasts,
We invite you to attend the 5th international Nasonia meeting 2023 in Münster from 28th -30th July 2023. Münster is a welcoming and vibrant university town in Germany that offers a perfect venue.
Please fill out the registration form until March 2023, which will give us enough time to plan the meeting.
We are not asking for registration fees at the moment, but we will collect some money (50-100 Euros) to cover our costs for coffee and snacks. For meals, we will probably frequent the local restaurants or provide sandwiches.
Please send all inquiries to nasonia2023@gmail.com. We will do our best to respond to you within 24 hours. If you do not get a response within this time, please send an email directly to Dhevi Kalyanaraman (dkalyana@uni-muenster.de).