
Registration Form

If you have further questions, please send an email to: Ellen Bentlage (ellen.bentlage@uni-muenster.de)

Updated registration fees:

  • Free registration for EGREPA members
    Please check this link for the membership information:(https://www.egrepa.org/membership/).
    Please note that the payment for the EGREPA membership can be transferred via via Indico, as well as via the membership form.

  • The Normal Fee is 50€.

  • Free registration for the Keynotes, the EGREPA Board, the Scientific Commitee and Invited symposia (#18,#19,#20), Münster University members and AFW Krakow members.

Die Teilnahme an dieser Veranstaltung wird moderiert
Ihre Anmeldung muss durch die Organisatoren genehmigt werden.