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The influence of fitness training program on resistance, flexibility and body fat mass of middle-aged women

Nicht eingeplant
Poster Physical activity for special populations (e.g. cognitive impaired people) 2nd Conference Day


Dr. Ivana Nikolic (Faculty of Teacher Education) Ivan Serbetar


Adult age typically involves an overall decline in motor abilities of women. In addition to reduced mobility and functional limitations, health-related threats like osteoporosis, sarcopenia and increased risk of falling are more likely to occur in later aging. Exercise program was carried out with the aim to improve the arm strength, upper body strength and overall flexibility.
The participants were 31 females aged 39-63 years (Mean=47.5; SD=6.19).
A twelve-week cardio-endurance aerobic and strength program with three exercise sessions per week, each lasting 60 minutes, was conducted. The program included 35 single training sessions, each consisting of a 5-minute warm-up, 20-minute cardio endurance exercises, 25-minute resistance exercises, and 10 minutes of stretching.
Pre and post assessment, carried out in September and January, respectively, included subscapular and abdominal skinfold measures, sit-ups, knee push-ups, and sit-and-reach test.
Data were analyzed using ANOVA. Statistically significant changes between the two assessments, which indicated improvement, were found in sit-up (p=.000), push-up (p=.010) and sit-and-reach tests (p=.050).
Although the reduction of body fat was not observed, strength and range of motion of subjects improved significantly, which justify implemented exercise program and encourages participants to pursue lifelong healthy habits.


Dr. Ivana Nikolic (Faculty of Teacher Education) Ivan Serbetar
