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Staying in Germany as a career choice

Aula (Alexander von Humboldt-Haus)


Alexander von Humboldt-Haus

Hüfferstraße 61

TARGET GROUP: international postdocs and doctoral candidates
ORGANISER: Welcome Centre, WWU Graduate Centre
COLLABORATORS: Prof. Wild (coordinator CiM-IMPRS), WWU Personnel Department, Federal Employment Agency, Office for Migration and Integration

Registration starts on 1 October at 9 am and ends one day before the event.

For those of you, who wish to pursue their future in Germany, in either academia or the private sector, we are offering an interesting information event under the title “Staying in Germany as a career choice”. Together with partners from the WWU and external partners, we will consider opportunities, obstacles and the legal framework to favour a long-term stay in Germany as an international scientist.
Between the different presentations, there will be Q&A sessions.

Die Agenda dieses Meetings ist leer