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5.–8. Dez. 2022
Tagungszentrum an der Sternwarte, Göttingen
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Dip-coating a soft layer

08.12.2022, 11:30
Tagungszentrum an der Sternwarte, Göttingen

Tagungszentrum an der Sternwarte, Göttingen


Vincent Bertin (University of Twente)


A solid, withdrawn from a wetting liquid bath, entrains a thin liquid film. This simple process, first described by Landau, Levich, and Derjaguin (LLD), is commonly observed in everyday life. It also plays a central role in liquid capture by animals, and is widely used for surface-coating purposes in industry. Motivated by the emerging interest in the mechanics of very soft materials, and in particular the resulting elastocapillary coupling, we develop a dip-coating model that accounts for the additional presence of a soft solid layer atop the rigid plate. The elastic response of this soft layer is described by a Winkler’s foundation. Using a combination of numerical, scaling, and asymptotic-matching methods, we find a new softness-dependent power-law regime for the thickness of entrained liquid at a small capillary number, which corresponds to a modified physics at play in the dynamic meniscus. The crossover between this regime and the classical dip-coating one occurs when the substrate’s deformation is comparable to the thickness of the entrained liquid film.


Vincent Bertin (University of Twente) Prof. Jacco H. Snoeijer (Physics of Fluids Group, Faculty of Science and Technology, Mesa+ Institute, University of Twente, 7500 AE Enschede, The Netherlands) Prof. Elie Raphael (ESPCI Paris) Thomas Salez (LOMA @ CNRS & Univ. Bordeaux)


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