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Law and Literature in Europe / Recht und Literatur in Europa

Schloss (Münster)



Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster

The process of Europeanisation that has happened in political, social, cultural and especially legal form over the last decades, may duly be considered one of the most important and powerful changes within Europe, but also beyond. The process of instituting and developing a European internal market as a catalyst did not only lead to the transition of important sovereign rights from individual states to the European union, but also contributed to the latter’s political regulation and standing. Such processes of European integration are simultaneously embedded in and countered by tendencies towards legal, political and cultural regionalisation and re-nationalisation, thereby enabling not only a Europewide resurgence of right-wing national parties and factions, but also leading to the erosion of constitutional premises in terms of the separation of powers and the freedom of the press. Further elements, such as the Yugoslav Wars of the 1990s, the global financial crisis of 2008 or the refugee crisis of 2015, have contributed significantly to the conflictual positioning between European integration and disintegration. Brexit and climate change, as well as worldwide digitalisation, also signal towards the need of the integration of Europe and its political borders.

National literatures both on the Continent and in Britain have reflected these disintegrating crises critically, but they have also focused on periods of European integration in less critical times (eg. Menasse, McEwan, Houellebecq). Consequently, there are obvious processes of how law and literature connect each other as well as insights into the reasons why the legalisation processes in Europe have not been accompanied by a similar cultural and literary integration on a European level – although the institutionalisation and legal guarantee of translations supports the phenomenon of European bestsellers.

At the same time, such processes of Europeanisation and European integration need to be considered in their historical dimension, as scholars across Europe during the Enlightenment, for instance, also saw themselves as one community and acted as such. Questions of natural law as well as the importance of literature for the developing Enlightenment necessarily focused specifically on a European context, which can be seen in Lessing’s position on tolerance as represented in Nathan, for instance, since Lessing conceived of such considerations in an imagined dialogue with theorists such as Locke and Voltaire. Even tendencies towards nationalisation in the 19th and 20th centuries reflect critically on the political and economic internationalisation of law and literature.

The conference will focus on culturally connected and comparable processes of Europeanisation in law and literature as well as their correlation since the early modern period.

    • Begrüßung/Welcome Schloss, Aula

      Schloss, Aula


      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster

      Begrüßung durch den Rektor der WWU

    • Key Note: Prof. Dr. Dr. Grimm: Europa ja - aber welches? Schloss, Aula

      Schloss, Aula


      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster

      Prof. Dr. Dr. Grimm: Europa ja - aber welches?

      • 1
        Prof. Dr. Dr. Dieter Grimm: Europa ja - aber welches?


        Sprecher: Oliver Lepsius
    • 11:30
      Kaffeepause Schloss



      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster


    • Sektion 1: Erstes deutsches Panel Schloss, Aula

      Schloss, Aula


      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster

      Erstes deutsches Panel

      Sitzungsleiter: Prof. Martina Wagner-Egelhaaf (Germanistisches Institut Münster)
      • 2
        Alina Wolski - Von Europa erzählen

        Alina Wolski - Von Europa erzählen

      • 3
        David Österle - Zur kulturpolitischen Funktion und Wirkung von europäischen Literaturpreisen

        David Österle - Zur kulturpolitischen Funktion und Wirkung von europäischen Literaturpreisen

      • 4
        Christoph Schuch - Europäischer Traum im Kapitalismus – Sybille Bergs “GRM“ als Rechts- und Sozialstaatskritik

        Christoph Schuch – Europäischer Traum im Kapitalismus – Sybille Bergs “GRM“ als Rechts- und Sozialstaatskritik

    • Sektion 2 Schloss, Festsaal

      Schloss, Festsaal


      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster
      Sitzungsleiter: Petra Pohlmann
      • 5
        Rabea Conrad - Titus' Rome and Shakespeare's England - The 'tragic' conflict between common and civil law

        Rabea Conrad - Titus' Rome and Shakespeare's England - The
        'tragic' conflict between common and civil law

      • 6
        Zehra Haliloğlu - Law and Minority Rights in Shakespeare’s Proto-Capitalist Venice

        Zehra Haliloğlu - Law and Minority Rights in Shakespeare’s
        Proto-Capitalist Venice

      • 7
        Franziska Quabeck - Blood on the continent. Or: What is a gentleman?

        Franziska Quabeck - Blood on the continent. Or: What is a

    • 13:30


    • Sektion 3 Schloss, Aula

      Schloss, Aula


      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster
      Sitzungsleiter: Laura Zander
      • 8
        Sidia Fiorato - Children and Young Adults in Brexitland

        Sidia Fiorato - Children and Young Adults in Brexitland

      • 10
        Eberhard Ortland - Präsentation der Online-Enzyklopädie „Recht und Literatur“ des SFB 1385

        Eberhard Ortland - Präsentation der Online-Enzyklopädie „Recht und Literatur“ des SFB 1385

    • 17:00
      Bustransfer nach Schloss Nordkirchen / Bus transfer to Nordkirchen Castle In front of the Schloss

      In front of the Schloss


      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster

      Bustransfer nach Schloss Nordkirchen / Bus transfer to Nordkirchen Castle

    • Sektion 4: Zweites deutsches Panel Schloss, Aula

      Schloss, Aula


      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster

      Zweites deutsches Panel

      Sitzungsleiter: Alfred Sproede
      • 11
        Oliver Bach - »Die alten Formen passen nicht«. Achim von Arnims Auseinandersetzung mit Friedrich Carl von Savignys. Vom Beruf unserer Zeit für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft in den Briefen 1814–1819

        Oliver Bach - »Die alten Formen passen nicht«. Achim von Arnims
        Auseinandersetzung mit Friedrich Carl von Savignys. Vom Beruf unserer Zeit
        für Gesetzgebung und Rechtswissenschaft in den Briefen 1814–1819

      • 12
        Andrzej Belczyk-Kohl - Nationalisierung als Ordnungsmacht. Postkoloniale Differenz und rechtsphilosophischer Streit im Diskurs der nationalen Präsenz

        Andrzej Belczyk-Kohl - Nationalisierung als Ordnungsmacht. Postkoloniale
        Differenz und rechtsphilosophischer Streit im Diskurs der nationalen Präsenz

      • 13
        Davor Beganović - Ein Anwalt europäischer Werte vor Gericht. Miroslav Krležas Roman Ohne mich. Eine einsame Revolution

        Davor Beganović - Ein Anwalt europäischer Werte vor Gericht. Miroslav
        Krležas Roman Ohne mich. Eine einsame Revolution

    • Sektion 5 Schloss, Festsaal

      Schloss, Festsaal


      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster
      Sitzungsleiter: Norbert Oberauer
      • 14
        Ivana Perica - Contemporary political novel in Europe: liberal democracy and the rule of law

        Ivana Perica - Contemporary political novel in Europe: liberal
        democracy and the rule of law

      • 15
        Chiara Crescioli - The harmonisation of cybercrime legislation in the EU: a special focus on the Italian and German recent legal reforms

        Chiara Crescioli - The harmonisation of cybercrime legislation in
        the EU: a special focus on the Italian and German recent legal

      • 16
        Fryderyk Zoll - Is translation really present in the legislative process of the EU? The Challenges of “Intertextuality” of EU-law

        Fryderyk Zoll - Is translation really present in the legislative
        process of the EU? The Challenges of “Intertextuality” of EU-law

      • 17
        Enrico Andreoli - Travelling Al Sur de Granada: A Methodological Journey Between Comparative Law and Literature

        Enrico Andreoli - Travelling Al Sur de Granada: A Methodological
        Journey Between Comparative Law and Literature

    • 11:00
      Kaffeepause/Coffee break Schloss



      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster
    • Key Note: Prof. Dr. Gareth Griffiths - Europe’s Others, Other Europes Schloss



      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster

      Key Note

      Sitzungsleiter: Klaus Stierstorfer
    • 12:30


    • Sektion 6 Schloss, Aula

      Schloss, Aula


      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster
      Sitzungsleiter: Prof. Peter Schneck
      • 18
        Shulamit Almog - Athena as a Mediating Judge

        Shulamit Almog - Athena as a Mediating Judge

      • 19
        Jan B. Gordon - Vox Populi v. Codified law – An Amicus Curiae Brief

        Jan B. Gordon - Vox Populi v. Codified law – An Amicus Curiae Brief

      • 20
        Ralf Grüttemeier - Mapping literary trials. What archives and lawyers can and cannot do about the dearth of evidence

        Ralf Grüttemeier - Mapping literary trials. What archives and lawyers can and cannot do about the dearth of evidence

      • 21
        Kieran Dolin - European Law and Literature: Australian Perspectives

        Kieran Dolin - European Law and Literature: Australian Perspectives

    • 16:00
      Kaffeepause/Coffee break Schloss



      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster

      Kaffeepause/Coffee break

    • Sektion 7 Schloss, Aula

      Schloss, Aula


      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster
      Sitzungsleiter: Klaus Stierstorfer
      • 22
        Michael Chukwukwaluka Uyanne and Oziomachukwu Akunna Ajemba - Shakespearean Discourse and Evolution of Law

        Michael Chukwukwaluka Uyanne and Oziomachukwu Akunna Ajemba - Shakespearean Discourse and Evolution of Law

      • 23
        Adaoma Igwedibia and Onyebuchi James Ile - D.H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover and The Legal Overreach in Its Ban: A Study of the Implications of Law in Literature

        Adaoma Igwedibia and Onyebuchi James Ile - D.H. Lawrence’s Lady Chatterley’s Lover and The Legal Overreach in Its Ban: A Study of the Implications of Law in Literature

      • 24
        Onyebuchi James Ile and Solomon Onyema Osekene - European Laws and Their Discursive Formations in Nigerian Literature: A Study of Soyinka’s ‘Death and The King’s Horseman’, Achebe’s ‘Things Fall Apart’ and ‘Arrow of God’

        Onyebuchi James Ile and Solomon Onyema Osekene - European Laws and Their Discursive Formations in Nigerian Literature: A Study of Soyinka’s ‘Death and The King’s Horseman’, Achebe’s ‘Things Fall Apart’ and ‘Arrow of God’

      • 25
        Ngozi Ezenwa-Ohaeto - Incidents of European Legal intervention and the Traumatic Effects on The Extant Igbo Law: A Critical Study of Chinua Achebe’s ‘Things Fall Apart’ and ‘Arrow of God’

        Ngozi Ezenwa-Ohaeto - Incidents of European Legal intervention and the Traumatic Effects on The Extant Igbo Law: A Critical Study of Chinua Achebe’s ‘Things Fall Apart’ and ‘Arrow of God’

      • 26
        Aisha Sani Maikudi - European Union Integration Post Brexit

        Aisha Sani Maikudi - European Union Integration Post Brexit

      • 27
        Owojecho Omoha - Law and Poetry: Capture Theory, Law and the Poetry of Wole Soyinka

        Owojecho Omoha - Law and Poetry: Capture Theory, Law and the Poetry of Wole Soyinka

      • 28
        Mua’zu Abdullahi Saulawa - The Application of Europe Literature Towards the Development of Cybercrime Law

        Mua’zu Abdullahi Saulawa - The Application of Europe Literature Towards the Development of Cybercrime Law

    • Lesung/Lecture: Tanja Maljartschuk - Europa, Recht und Literatur – Ukrainische Perspektiven Studiobühne (Münster )



      Studiobühne Dompl. 23 48143 Münster
    • Sektion 8 Schloss, Aula

      Schloss, Aula


      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster
      Sitzungsleiter: Regina Grundmann
      • 29
        Piotr Pilarczyk - Old law and legal culture in the literature of Polish Romanticism

        Piotr Pilarczyk - Old law and legal culture in the literature of Polish Romanticism

      • 30
        Lotte van den Bosch - Mediators as the founding fathers of literary autonomy in law: the case of Ernst Polak

        Lotte van den Bosch - Mediators as the founding fathers of literary autonomy in law: the case of Ernst Polak

      • 32
        Lior Weinstein - Disphoric European Hebrew Literature and expressive power of EU law

        Lior Weinstein - Disphoric European Hebrew Literature and expressive power of EU law

    • 11:00
      Kaffeepause/Coffee break Schloss



      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster

      Kaffeepause/Coffee break

    • Key Note: Prof. Dr. Cassandra Sharp - The cultural legalities of social media in Australia and Europe: narrative comparatives during a crisis: Prof. Dr. Cassandra Sharp - The cultural legalities of social media in Australia and Europe: narrative comparatives during a crisis Schloss



      Schlossplatz 2 48149 Münster XJ77+C8 Münster

      Key Note

      Sitzungsleiter: Peter Schneck
    • 12:30
