Das Update auf Indico 3.3.5 war erfolgreich. Informationen zu den neuen Funktionen und Änderungen finden Sie hier: https://getindico.io/indico/release/2023/12/05/indico-3-3-news.html

17.–24. Jan. 2024
Center for Soft Nanoscience
Europe/Berlin Zeitzone

Up for a challenge?

Are you interested in turning a scientific topic into a (fictional) business idea? How about developing the next scientific unicorn Start-up and coming up with the next “BioNTech-like” innovation?

Keep reading!...

In this workshop, you will get to know the mindset and the 6-step Design Thinking process. We will team you up with other participants to work on a concrete challenge and experience all phases of the Design Thinking process. You will learn the most effective methods and techniques to achieve fast results and raise innovative ideas to the next level.

Presented by experts from the REACH – EUREGIO Start-up Center, this is a 2-day Design Thinking Workshop challenge, hosted by the MNF in the Center for Soft Nanoscience.

Note: this workshop occurs on two Wednesdays, the 17th and 24th of January from 10am-5pm

What is Design Thinking?

Design Thinking is an innovation method and process that forms the basis for a wide variety of leading-edge projects. With the help of design thinking, you can systematically develop innovative services and products that focus on customer benefits.

Center for Soft Nanoscience
Seminar room
Busso-Peus-Str.10 48149 Münster Germany
Zur Karte