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Seasonal Celebration on Campus (10 Dec 2024)

Alexander von Humboldt House

Alexander von Humboldt House

Hüffersraße 61, 48149 Münster
Hendrik Steinbach

Seasonal Celebration on Campus (5:00 pm - 7:00 pm)

Join us for our 'Seasonal Celebration' event!  We will mix a bit of Christmas market atmosphere with the singing of Christmas carols over hot drinks and tasty treats. Whether you're looking to expand your professional circle or just have some fun, our upcoming gathering has something for everyone. While socializing, all little ones can help decorate the Christmas tree, for which childcare will be provided. Register asap to soak up some holiday atmosphere with us! The participation is free of charge.  

Register by 5 December 2024.

Die Agenda dieses Meetings ist leer